B.pharmacy entrance mcq questions: Daily series

1. Aspirin is used as

a. Analgesic

b. Antipyretic

c. Both

d. Antimicrobial

2. Which of the following is known as universal antidote?

a. Atropine

b. Paracetamol

c. Morphine

d. Activated Charcol

3. Ammonium Chloride is used as

a. Antiseptics

b. Disinfectant

c. Expectorant

d. All of above

4. What is the use of Rauwolfia

a. Analgesic

b. Antihypertensive

c. Laxative

d. Expectorant

5. What is the concentration of sugar in simple syrup

a. 66.67% w/v

b. 70% v/v

c. 90% w/w

d.100% w/v

6. Which of the following drug is used intreatement of anaphylatic shock

a. Penicillin

b. Adrenaline

c. Voriconazole

d. None of above

7. Kmn04 is used as

a. Antibacterial

b. Antifungal

c. both

d. None of above

8. Provision of prescription is related to which section of drug act 2035?

a. 17

b. 23

c. 26

d. 27

9. The study is dose is called

a. Doseology

b. Posology

c. Pharmacology

d. Pharmacognosy

10. Which is not includes in TRIPHALA

a. Harro

b. Chiraito

c. Amala

d. Barro                                             

11. Which of the following is not first line antitubercular drug?

a. Rifampicin

b. Isoniazide

c. Ethambutol

d. Penicillin                         

12. Aspirin is derivaties of

a. Propionic acid

b. Indolines

c. Carboxylic acid

d. Pyrazolones

13. Which is water insoluble vitamin

a. Vitamin B Complex

b. Vitamin C

c. Vitamin E

d. All

14. The number of gram-equivalent of solute contained in one liter of solution

a. Normality

b. Molarity

c. Molality

d. All

15. Which is bacteriostatic drug excpet

a. Chlormphenicol

b. Tetracycline

C. Vancomycin

d. Clindamycin

16. Part use of Rauwolfia Serpentia is

a. Leaf

b. Bark


d. All

17. Which is known as Natural pesticide


b. Asuro

C. Pyruthrum

d. Tulsi

18. Chemical test used for identificationof carbohydrates?

a. Molish

b. Ninhydrin

c. Baljet

d. Killer killani

19. What is the antidote of paracetamol poisoning

a. Atropine

b. Naloxone

c. Flumazenil

d. N-Acetylcystine

20. The medicine should stored at coolmeans

a. 2-8° C

b. 8-25° C

c. Below 0°C

d. None                                                                        


1. c

2. d

3. c

4. b

5. a

6. b

7. c

8. d

9. b

10. b

11. d

12. c

13. c

14. a

15. c

16. c

17. c

18. a

19. d

20. b

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