Date Conversion formula AD To BS

 Date Conversion formula AD To BS

To convert Bikram Sambat (B.S.) to Anno Domini (A.D.) and vice versa without using a calculator or calendar, you can use the following approximate formula:

Formula for Conversion:

B.S.56 years 8.5 months=A.D.B.S. - 56 \text{ years } 8.5 \text{ months} = A.D. A.D.+56 years 8.5 months=B.S.A.D. + 56 \text{ years } 8.5 \text{ months} = B.S.

This formula is based on the difference between the Bikram Sambat (B.S.) calendar and the Gregorian calendar (A.D.), which is approximately 56 years and 8.5 months.

Example Conversion (B.S. to A.D.)

If the Hospital Pharmacy Guidelines were implemented in 2072 B.S., we calculate:

207256 years 8.5 months2072 - 56 \text{ years } 8.5 \text{ months} =2015 A.D.= 2015 \text{ A.D.}

So, the Hospital Pharmacy Guidelines were implemented in 2015 A.D..

Example Conversion (A.D. to B.S.)

If an event happened in 2000 A.D., to find the B.S. year:

2000+56 years 8.5 months2000 + 56 \text{ years } 8.5 \text{ months} =2056 B.S.= 2056 \text{ B.S.}

So, an event in 2000 A.D. corresponds to 2056 B.S..

Key Takeaways

  • To convert B.S. to A.D.: Subtract 56 years and 8.5 months.
  • To convert A.D. to B.S.: Add 56 years and 8.5 months.
  • This method provides an approximate conversion, which is accurate in most cases.


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