1. Repeated administration of Tyramine results in its decreasing effectiveness:
a. Gets detoxicated easily
b. Displaces nor-adrenaline from nerve ending binding site
c. Displaces adrenaline from nerve ending binding site
d. None of the above
2. Atropine on hydrolysis with Barium hydroxide gives:
a. Tropanol and Tropic acid
b. Scopine and Tropic acid
c. Ecgonine and Benzoic acid
d. Benzyl Ecgonine and Methanol
3. Stratified cork and forked are the characteristic diagnostic features of:
a. Apocynaceae
b. Scrophularceae
c. Gentinaceae
d . Polygonaceae
4 . The concentration of sucrose in simple syrup BP is:
a. 85%w/w
b. 60.70% w/w
c. 66.70% w/w
d. 40.74% w/v
5. For drying blood plasma of the following technique is used:
a. Spray drying
b. Freeze drying
c. vacuum drying
d. Fludized bed drying
6. HLB value of SLS (sodium lauryl sulphate) is:
a. 6.5
b. 13.8
c. 25
d. 40
7. Cleviceps purpurea yeilds after infecting ovaries of graminaceous plants:
a. Digitoxin
b. Lysergic acid derivatives
c. Reserpine
d. Polypeptide
8. If the official bioassay of erithromycin strain used is:
a. Bacillus subtitis
b. Micrococous letus
c. Salmonella typhi
d. Escherichia coli
9. The disintegration time for sugar coted tablet:
a. 30 Min
b. 45 Min
c. 60 Min
d. 75 Min
10. Antibiotics interact with calcium ion:
a. Erythromycin
b. Streptomycin
c. Tetracycline
d. Ampicillin
11. Flow rate of granules from the hopper can be improved by adding:
a. Disintegration
b. Glident
c. Binder
d. Lubricant
12. Anomocytic type of stomata are found in the leaves of
a. Fox gloves
b. Urginea maritime
c. Cassia acutifolia
d. Atropa belladona
13. Enteric coating is achieved by using:
a. HPMC (hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose)
b. CMC (carboxy methyl cellulose)
c. CAP(cellulose acetate phthelate)
d. Povidone
14. Prostaglandin are the group related to
a. Alcohol
b. Aldehyde
c. Fatty acid
d. Alkaloid
15. Liquid paraffin exhibit:
a. Plastic flow
b. Newtonian flow
c. Pseudoplastic flow
d. Dillant flow