1. Anomocytic type of stomata are found in the leaves of:
A. Fox glove
B. Urginea maritima
C. Cassia acutifolia
D. Atropa belladonna
2. The most effective methods to produce virus free plant is:
A. Root culture
B. Meristem culture
C. Somatic embryogenesis
D. Floriculture
3. Amygdalin on hydrolysis:
A. Mendelonitrile + Benzaldehyde
B. Mendelonitrile + Benzaldehyde + Glucose
C. Mendelonitrile + Glucose
D. Mendelonitrile + Benzaldehyde + Rhamnose
4. A Rhamno glucoside on hydrolysis give:
A. Aglycone + Fructose + Rhamnose
B. Aglycone + Glucose + Rhamnose
C. Aglycone + Ribose + Rhamnose
D. Fructose + Rhamnose
5. The pungent principle present in ginger is:
A. Zingiberol
B. Zingiberene
C. Gingerol
D. Cineol
6. The possible adulterant for fox glove leaves is:
A. Digitalis lanata
B. Phytolacca dacandra
C. Verbascum thapsi
D. Digitalis thapsi
7. Panaxadiol is a constituent of:
A. Ginger
B. Jatamansi
C. Ginseng
D. Brevifolicin
8. Aconite is belongs to which of the following alkaloid:
A. Steroidal
B. Terpenoidal
C. Indole
D. Quinoline
9. Ephedra sinica and ephedra equisetina can be distinguished by:
A. Branching
B. Scaly leaves
C. Stomata
D. Alkaloids
10. Powdered digitalis is dried at temprature:
A. Not exceeding 60oC
B. 65oC
C. 110 oC
D. 156 oC
11. Borntrager’s test is performed for identification of:
A. Digitoxin
B. Reserpine
C. Digoxin
D. Dianthrone of rhein
12. The extraction of steroidal saponins on commercial scale is form:
A. Dioscorea
B. Digitalis
C. Datura
D. Trigonella
13. The plant hormone which shows specific effect on cell division is:
A. Auxins
B. Abscisic acid
C. Cytokinins
D. Ethylene
14. Crude fiber value of drug is a measure of:
A. Soft tissue matter
B. Abscisic acid
C. Cytokinins
D. Ethylene
15. Leaves of digitalis purpurea give positive test for
A. Borntrager’s test
B. Murexide test
C. Legal test
D. Thelleoquin test