IQ Practice Series:3

 IQ Practice Series

IQ Practice Series
IQ Practice Series

1. Find the odd pair among the following:

a) 4 - 32
b) 3 - 27
c) 2 - 8
d) 6 - 216

2. Analogies: Marathon is to Race as Hibernation is to...

a) Winter
b) Sleep
c) Dream
d) Bear

3. Choose the correct synonym of "ASSUME":

a) Enforce
b) Devour
c) Suppose
d) Oblige

4. The average weight of X, Y, and Z is 50 kg. If the average weight of X and Y is 46 kg, and that of Y and Z is 48 kg, what is the weight of Y?

a) 40 kg
b) 45 kg
c) 50 kg
d) 42 kg

5. The average weight of a group of 10 people increases by 3 kg when a new person joins, replacing someone weighing 70 kg. What is the weight of the new person?

a) 83 kg
b) 100 kg
c) 80 kg
d) 95 kg

6. Assertion & Reasoning:

Assertion (A): Eating too much sugar can lead to obesity.
Reason (R): Sugar contains essential vitamins and minerals.

a) Both A and R are true, and R explains A.
b) Both A and R are true, but R does not explain A.
c) A is true, but R is false.
d) A is false, but R is true.

7. If one-fourth of a number is 20, then what is two-fifth of the same number?

a) 40
b) 30
c) 50
d) 60

8. Identify the missing number in the pattern: 3248:64, 4126:52, 7395:?

a) 70
b) 90
c) 60
d) 80

9. 45 : 180 :: 36 : ?

a) 144
b) 162
c) 190
d) 126

10. If CODE is 5214, SAFE is 7934, and HELP is 6589, then what is FIRE?

a) 7825
b) 7483
c) 5672
d) 8674

11. If letters in the English alphabet are swapped in pairs (A↔B, C↔D, etc.), what is the 12th letter from the left?

a) L
b) K
c) M
d) J

12. Find the missing number in the series:

215, 189, 164, 140, ?, 95
a) 110
b) 117
c) 120
d) 127

13. If A = 1, B = 2, and so on, then the value of "MUSIC" is?

a) 65
b) 70
c) 77
d) 81

14. Two numbers are 60% and 65% less than a third number. By what percentage is the second number less than the first?

a) 8%
b) 10%
c) 12%
d) 15%

15. The average of four consecutive odd numbers is 73. Find the product of the first and last numbers.

a) 5328
b) 5472
c) 5625
d) 5769

16. A person is facing North. He turns 90° clockwise, then 180° counterclockwise, and finally 90° clockwise. Which direction is he facing now?

a) North
b) South
c) East
d) West

17. Find the odd one out:

a) Delhi
b) Mumbai
c) Goa
d) Chennai

18. What number comes next in the series?

482, 241, 362, 181, ?
a) 272
b) 184
c) 192
d) 362

19. Fill in the missing letter:

R, T, V, X, …
a) Y
b) Z
c) A
d) B

20. The average weight of 30 students is 62 kg. If the teacher’s weight is added, the average increases by 500g. What is the teacher’s weight?

a) 75 kg
b) 80 kg
c) 85 kg
d) 90 kg

21. In a secret code, 415 means "cats are playful," 527 means "dogs are friendly," and 648 means "birds are cheerful." What number represents "are"?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 5
d) 4

22. In a row of students, P is 18th from the left and Q is 16th from the right. If they switch places, P becomes 22nd from the left. How many students are there?

a) 38
b) 39
c) 40
d) 41

23. Assertion (A): Smoking is injurious to health.

Reason (R): Nicotine in cigarettes strengthens the immune system.

a) Both A and R are true, and R explains A.
b) Both A and R are true, but R does not explain A.
c) A is true, but R is false.
d) A is false, but R is true.

24. If 4 men or 8 women can complete a task in 12 days, how many days will it take for 8 men and 4 women to complete the same task?

a) 4 days
b) 5 days
c) 6 days
d) 7 days

25. The income ratio of two people is 5:6, and their spending ratio is 3:4. If both save Rs. 5000, what is the income of the first person?

a) Rs. 15,000
b) Rs. 18,000
c) Rs. 20,000
d) Rs. 25,000

Quiz Questions and Answers
1. Find the odd pair among the following:

a) 4 - 32
b) 3 - 27
c) 2 - 8
d) 6 - 216

Answer: d) 6 - 216

2. Analogies: Marathon is to Race as Hibernation is to...

a) Winter
b) Sleep
c) Dream
d) Bear

Answer: b) Sleep

3. Choose the correct synonym of "ASSUME":

a) Enforce
b) Devour
c) Suppose
d) Oblige

Answer: c) Suppose

4. The average weight of X, Y, and Z is 50 kg...

a) 40 kg
b) 45 kg
c) 50 kg
d) 42 kg

Answer: d) 42 kg

5. The average weight of a group of 10 people increases by 3 kg...

a) 83 kg
b) 100 kg
c) 80 kg
d) 95 kg

Answer: b) 100 kg

6. Assertion & Reasoning: Eating too much sugar can lead to obesity.

a) Both A and R are true, and R explains A.
b) Both A and R are true, but R does not explain A.
c) A is true, but R is false.
d) A is false, but R is true.

Answer: c) A is true, but R is false.

7. If one-fourth of a number is 20...

a) 40
b) 30
c) 50
d) 60

Answer: b) 30

8. Identify the missing number in the pattern: 3248:64, 4126:52, 7395:?

a) 70
b) 90
c) 60
d) 80

Answer: a) 70

9. 45 : 180 :: 36 : ?

a) 144
b) 162
c) 190
d) 126

Answer: b) 162

10. If CODE is 5214, SAFE is 7934, and HELP is 6589, then what is FIRE?

a) 7825
b) 7483
c) 5672
d) 8674

Answer: a) 7825

11. If letters in the English alphabet are swapped in pairs...

a) L
b) K
c) M
d) J

Answer: c) M

12. Find the missing number in the series: 215, 189, 164, 140, ?, 95

a) 110
b) 117
c) 120
d) 127

Answer: b) 117

13. If A = 1, B = 2, and so on, then the value of "MUSIC" is?

a) 65
b) 70
c) 77
d) 81

Answer: c) 77

14. Two numbers are 60% and 65% less than a third number...

a) 8%
b) 10%
c) 12%
d) 15%

Answer: b) 10%

15. The average of four consecutive odd numbers is 73...

a) 5328
b) 5472
c) 5625
d) 5769

Answer: a) 5328

16. A person is facing North...

a) North
b) South
c) East
d) West

Answer: b) South

17. Find the odd one out:

a) Delhi
b) Mumbai
c) Goa
d) Chennai

Answer: c) Goa

18. What number comes next in the series? 482, 241, 362, 181, ?

a) 272
b) 184
c) 192
d) 362

Answer: c) 192

19. Fill in the missing letter: R, T, V, X, …

a) Y
b) Z
c) A
d) B

Answer: b) Z

20. The average weight of 30 students is 62 kg...

a) 75 kg
b) 80 kg
c) 85 kg
d) 90 kg

Answer: b) 80 kg


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